Azerbaijanfilm Studio Directory -Alternate: Azərbaycanfilm

Alternate Studio Title: Azərbaycanfilm
Founded in 1920 is the official Azerbaijani state film production company. Renamed in 1923 to Azerbaijani Photo-Cinema Office (AFKI). The name changes kept coming, including Azdovletkino (1926–1930), Azkino (1930–1933), Azfilm (1933), Azdovletkinosenaye (1934), Azerfilm (1935–1940), and Baku Cinema Studio (1941–1959), before adopting its present name in 1960 as Azerbaijanfilm, with a television sub deivision of Azerbaijantelefilm. The studio is currently part of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan.
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Azerbaijanfilm Studio Directory Cartoon Series:
Azerbaijanfilm Studio :
featuring Lion, Two Bulls.
Lev i Dva Byka There have not yet been any votes for "Lev i Dva Byka". Vote Now! 23
featuring Bear, Mouse.
Medved' i Mysh' There have not yet been any votes for "Medved' i Mysh'". Vote Now! 23
Novye Pohozhdeniya Dzhirtdana
Novye Pohozhdeniya Dzhirtdana (New Adventures Of Jirtdun) - 1973
AzerbaijanfilmNovye Pohozhdeniya Dzhirtdana There have not yet been any votes for "Novye Pohozhdeniya Dzhirtdana". Vote Now! 23
Pochemu Plachet Oblachko?
Pochemu Plachet Oblachko? (Why Is The Cloudlet Crying?) - 1973
AzerbaijanfilmPochemu Plachet Oblachko? There have not yet been any votes for "Pochemu Plachet Oblachko?". Vote Now! 23
Prekrasnaya Carevna Neft'
Prekrasnaya Carevna Neft' (The Beautiful Tsarevna Petroleum) - 1974
AzerbaijanfilmPrekrasnaya Carevna Neft' There have not yet been any votes for "Prekrasnaya Carevna Neft'". Vote Now! 23
featuring Hedgehog.
Ezhik i Yabloko There have not yet been any votes for "Ezhik i Yabloko". Vote Now! 23
Legenda o Devish'ej Bashne
featuring Girl, Calf.
Legenda o Devish'ej Bashne (A Legend About The Girlish Tower) - 1979
AzerbaijanfilmLegenda o Devish'ej Bashne There have not yet been any votes for "Legenda o Devish'ej Bashne". Vote Now! 23
featuring Shah, Servant.
Shah i Sluga There have not yet been any votes for "Shah i Sluga". Vote Now! 23
Pro Dzhirtdana - Velikana 1
featuring Dzhirtdan.
Pro Dzhirtdana - Velikana 1 (About Dzhirtdan - The Giant 1) - 1981
AzerbaijanfilmPro Dzhirtdana - Velikana 1 There have not yet been any votes for "Pro Dzhirtdana - Velikana 1". Vote Now! 23
Pro Dzhirtdana - Velikana 2
featuring Dzhirtdan.
Pro Dzhirtdana - Velikana 2 (About Dzhirtdan - The Giant 2) - 1983
AzerbaijanfilmPro Dzhirtdana - Velikana 2 There have not yet been any votes for "Pro Dzhirtdana - Velikana 2". Vote Now! 23
featuring Carpet, Carpetmaker, Greedy Boy.
Volshebnye Uzory There have not yet been any votes for "Volshebnye Uzory". Vote Now! 23