Cartoon Cartoon Fridays
A follow on to the What A Cartoon! Show, every week a different Cartoon Cartoon character would host this four-hour long anthology show. While the block was first used to promote Cartoon Cartoons, it later incorporated just about any Cartoon Network show. The series mixed new shows with previously-aired episodes of various series. After October of 2003, the hosted segments became live-action, hosted by Tommy Snider, Nzinga Blake (2003–2004), and Tara Sands (2005–2007).
Cartoon Network Studios
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Cartoon Cartoon Fridays
Cartoon Cartoon Fridays List:
Vote Now! 21 There have not yet been any votes for "Cartoon Cartoon Fridays (Series)". |
featuring Trevor Braithwaite, Stubbs, Mr. Fitzgibbon, Edit, Ms. French, Mr. Pugsley, The Pink Donnelleys
Vote Now! 21 There have not yet been any votes for "Trevor! in Journey to Sector 5-G". |
featuring Prickles, Egbert, Bert, Marci, Sunny, Little Cloud, Mother Vulture, Baby Vulture, Mermonkey; more Characters ... |
featuring Lydia Lucas, Biff, Nitz, Jimmy, Tito, Mrs. Lucas, Bernice Witters, Mrs. Witters, Skunk, Mr. Peevish
Vote Now! 21 There have not yet been any votes for "Club Lydia". |
featuring Longhair, Doubledome, Neanderthals, Dung Beetle
Vote Now! 21 There have not yet been any votes for "Good Wheel Hunting". |
featuring Uncle Gus, Ali Ali, Beeyolus, Dwayne, Flapjack, Gwennie, Monkeys, Horse Race Announcer, TV Announcer, TV Reporter; more Characters ... |
featuring Captain Sturdy, Ultra Lad
Vote Now! 21 There have not yet been any votes for "Back in Action". |
featuring Yee Hah, Doo Dah, Milton, Mary
Vote Now! 21 There have not yet been any votes for "Bronco Breakin' Boots". |
featuring Nadine.
My Freaky Family There have not yet been any votes for "My Freaky Family". Vote Now! 23
featuring Major Flake, Sparkles, Sylvia Soggy.
Soggy Sale There have not yet been any votes for "Soggy Sale". Vote Now! 23
featuring Dan Bear, Micah Monkey
Vote Now! 21 There have not yet been any votes for "Hotdog Champeen". |
featuring Nigel Uno/Numbuh One, Hoagie P. Gillian, Jr./Numbuh Two, Kuki Sanban/Numbuh Three, Wallabee Beatles/Numbuh Four; more Characters ...
Vote Now! 21 There have not yet been any votes for "No P In The OOL". |
featuring Kitty Bobo, Maggie, Paul Dog, Monkey Carl, Mrs. Bobo, Mr. Bobo, Graffiti
Vote Now! 21 There have not yet been any votes for "Cellphones". |