Kitayama Eiga Seisakujo Studio:
English Studio Title: Kitayama Movie Factory
BCDB Rating:
"Kitayama Eiga Seisakujo" has not yet received enough votes to be rated.
This Studio has been viewed 2 times this month, and 537 times total.
Kitayama Eiga Seisakujo Studio :
Kiatsu To Mizuage Ponpu
Kiatsu To Mizuage Ponpu (Atmospheric Pressure and Suction Pumps) - 1921
Kitayama Eiga SeisakujoKiatsu To Mizuage Ponpu There have not yet been any votes for "Kiatsu To Mizuage Ponpu". Vote Now! 23
Shokubutsu Seiri: Seishoku No Maki
Shokubutsu Seiri: Seishoku No Maki (Plant Physiology: Story of Reproduction) - 1922
Kitayama Eiga SeisakujoShokubutsu Seiri: Seishoku No Maki There have not yet been any votes for "Shokubutsu Seiri: Seishoku No Maki". Vote Now! 23