Blade Cartoon Series:
Japanese Series Title: Bureido
BCDB Rating:
"Blade" has not yet received enough votes to be rated.
This Series has been viewed 2 times this month, and 866 times total.
Blade TV Episode Guide :
featuring Blade, Deacon Frost, Makoto, Tara Brooks, Drunk Man, Radu, Vampire Guard, Hayate, Blade/Eric Brooks, Deacon Frost; more Characters ....
The Man, Blade There have not yet been any votes for "The Man, Blade". Vote Now! 23
featuring Blade, Deacon Frost, Makoto, Tara Brooks, Blade/Eric Brooks, Deacon Frost, Matthes, Ikeda, Noah Van Helsing, Makoto; more Characters ....
Mad World There have not yet been any votes for "Mad World". Vote Now! 23
featuring Blade, Deacon Frost, Makoto, Tara Brooks, Blade/Eric Brooks, Deacon Frost, Matthes, Ikeda, Noah Van Helsing, Makoto; more Characters ....
Vampire Hunting There have not yet been any votes for "Vampire Hunting". Vote Now! 23
featuring Blade, Deacon Frost, Makoto, Tara Brooks, Blade/Eric Brooks, Deacon Frost, Matthes, Ikeda, Noah Van Helsing, Makoto; more Characters ....
Childhood Days There have not yet been any votes for "Childhood Days". Vote Now! 23
featuring Blade, Deacon Frost, Makoto, Tara Brooks, Blade/Eric Brooks, Deacon Frost, Matthes, Ikeda, Noah Van Helsing, Makoto; more Characters ....
Island Lights There have not yet been any votes for "Island Lights". Vote Now! 23
featuring Blade, Deacon Frost, Makoto, Tara Brooks, Blade/Eric Brooks, Deacon Frost, Matthes, Ikeda, Noah Van Helsing, Makoto; more Characters ....
The Magic Medicine Man There have not yet been any votes for "The Magic Medicine Man". Vote Now! 23
featuring Blade, Deacon Frost, Makoto, Tara Brooks, Blade/Eric Brooks, Deacon Frost, Matthes, Ikeda, Noah Van Helsing, Makoto; more Characters ....
Day Walker And Mutant There have not yet been any votes for "Day Walker And Mutant". Vote Now! 23
featuring Blade, Deacon Frost, Makoto, Tara Brooks, Blade/Eric Brooks, Deacon Frost, Matthes, Ikeda, Noah Van Helsing, Makoto; more Characters ....
Eternal Apocalypse There have not yet been any votes for "Eternal Apocalypse". Vote Now! 23
featuring Blade, Deacon Frost, Makoto, Tara Brooks, Blade/Eric Brooks, Deacon Frost, Matthes, Ikeda, Noah Van Helsing, Makoto; more Characters ....
Teacher's And Student's Bonds There have not yet been any votes for "Teacher's And Student's Bonds". Vote Now! 23
featuring Blade, Deacon Frost, Makoto, Tara Brooks, Blade/Eric Brooks, Deacon Frost, Matthes, Ikeda, Noah Van Helsing, Makoto; more Characters ....
To The Vortex Of Sorrows There have not yet been any votes for "To The Vortex Of Sorrows". Vote Now! 23
featuring Blade, Deacon Frost, Makoto, Tara Brooks, Blade/Eric Brooks, Deacon Frost, Matthes, Ikeda, Noah Van Helsing, Makoto; more Characters ....
Partner There have not yet been any votes for "Partner". Vote Now! 23
featuring Blade, Deacon Frost, Makoto, Tara Brooks, Blade/Eric Brooks, Deacon Frost, Matthes, Ikeda, Noah Van Helsing, Makoto; more Characters ....
The Other Side Of Darkness There have not yet been any votes for "The Other Side Of Darkness". Vote Now! 23