Neptuno Films Studio Directory

Neptuno Films was established in 1991 in Terrassa (Barcelona) and soon became a driving force in the world animation production landscape. In the past few years, Neptuno has gone through a steady growth with the build up of a library of universal animated characters with worldwide appeal, especially such animated brands as Connie the Cow and Dougie in Disguise.
Neptuno Films
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Neptuno Films Studio Directory Cartoon Series:
2020 (2002, 1 Series.) -
Balin (1993, 1 Series.) -
Bandolero (2002, 20 Cartoons.) -
Cuentos Clįsicos (2008 – 2009, 96 Episodes.)
Alternate Series Title: Classic Tales -
Detective Bogey
(1994, 1 Series.) -
Dougie In Disguise (2006 – 2007, 85 Episodes.) -
The Gloops (2004, 1 Series.) -
Hlapiceve Nove Zgode (2000, 26 Episodes.)
Alternate Series Title: Lapitch The Little Shoemaker -
La Brigada De Los Sepultureros
(2001, 1 Series.) -
La Vaca Connie (2003, 50 Episodes.)
Learning With Connie (2004, 1 Series.) -
(2009, 1 Series.) -
El Patito Feo (1998, 1 Series.)
Alternate Series Title: The Ugly Duckling -
Pim & Pam (2008, 1 Series.) -
Poppets Town (2009, 1 Series.) -
Princesas del Mar (2007, 95 Episodes.) -
The Three Bears (2001, 1 Series.) -
Tork (1990, 1 Series.) -
Zoo Mix
(2009, 51 Episodes.) -
Specials (2000 – 2008, 15 Specials.)
Neptuno Films Studio :
El Cuento De Los Tres Ositos
featuring Goldilocks, Three Bears, Trolls, Dr. Egg.
El Cuento De Los Tres Ositos (The Tale Of The Three Bears) - 2000
Neptuno FilmsEl Cuento De Los Tres Ositos There have not yet been any votes for "El Cuento De Los Tres Ositos". Vote Now! 23
Las Fantasticas Aventuras Del Patito Feo
featuring Ugly Duckling, Mother Duck.
Las Fantasticas Aventuras Del Patito Feo (The Fantastic Adventures Of The Ugly Duckling) - 2000
Neptuno FilmsLas Fantasticas Aventuras Del Patito Feo There have not yet been any votes for "Las Fantasticas Aventuras Del Patito Feo". Vote Now! 23
El Patito Feo En "Historias De Misterio"
featuring Ugly Duckling, Nico the Piglet.
El Patito Feo En "Historias De Misterio" (The Ugly Duckling In Mystery Tales) - 2004
Neptuno FilmsEl Patito Feo En "Historias De Misterio" There have not yet been any votes for "El Patito Feo En "Historias De Misterio"". Vote Now! 23
El Patito Feo En El Bosque Encantado
featuring Ugly Duckling.
El Patito Feo En El Bosque Encantado (The Ugly Duckling In The Enchanted Forest) - 2004
Neptuno FilmsEl Patito Feo En El Bosque Encantado There have not yet been any votes for "El Patito Feo En El Bosque Encantado". Vote Now! 23
El Patito Feo En... Historias De Duendes Y Dragones
featuring Ugly Duckling, Nico the Piglet, Elf, Baby Dragon.
El Patito Feo En... Historias De Duendes Y Dragones (The Ugly Duckling In... Tales Of Elves And Dragons) - 2004
Neptuno FilmsEl Patito Feo En... Historias De Duendes Y Dragones There have not yet been any votes for "El Patito Feo En... Historias De Duendes Y Dragones". Vote Now! 23
La Gran Carrero Del Patito Feo
featuring Ugly Duckling, Mariano, Motorized Tortoise, Apolo.
La Gran Carrero Del Patito Feo (The Ugly Duckling And His Big Race) - 2004
Neptuno FilmsLa Gran Carrero Del Patito Feo There have not yet been any votes for "La Gran Carrero Del Patito Feo". Vote Now! 23
La Navidad Del Patito Feo
featuring Ugly Duckling, Nico the Piglet, Snowman.
La Navidad Del Patito Feo (The Christmas Of The Ugly Duckling) - 2004
Neptuno FilmsLa Navidad Del Patito Feo There have not yet been any votes for "La Navidad Del Patito Feo". Vote Now! 23
Las Aventuras De Bandolero
featuring Bandolero, Don Rodrigo.
Las Aventuras De Bandolero (The Adventures Of Bandolero) - 2004
Neptuno FilmsLas Aventuras De Bandolero There have not yet been any votes for "Las Aventuras De Bandolero". Vote Now! 23
Las Vacaciones Del Patito Feo
featuring Ugly Duckling, Mariano.
Las Vacaciones Del Patito Feo (The Ugly Duckling Goes On Holidays) - 2004
Neptuno FilmsLas Vacaciones Del Patito Feo There have not yet been any votes for "Las Vacaciones Del Patito Feo". Vote Now! 23
featuring Goldilocks, Three Bears, Jack o Lanterns.
La Noche De Halloween There have not yet been any votes for "La Noche De Halloween". Vote Now! 23
Las Aventuras De Los Tres Ositos
featuring Three Bears.
Las Aventuras De Los Tres Ositos (The Adventures Of The Three Bears) - 2007
Neptuno FilmsLas Aventuras De Los Tres Ositos There have not yet been any votes for "Las Aventuras De Los Tres Ositos". Vote Now! 23
Las Terrorificas Aventuras De... La Brigada De Los Sepulturos
featuring Gravediggers Squad, Mrs. Death.
Las Terrorificas Aventuras De... La Brigada De Los Sepulturos (The Terrifying Adventures Of... The Gravediggers Squad) - 2007
Neptuno FilmsLas Terrorificas Aventuras De... La Brigada De Los Sepulturos There have not yet been any votes for "Las Terrorificas Aventuras De... La Brigada De Los Sepulturos". Vote Now! 23
featuring Three Bears, Teddy Bear.
Best Friends There have not yet been any votes for "Best Friends". Vote Now! 23
featuring Toc, Kimo, Happydog, Vicky.
Dreadful Dangers There have not yet been any votes for "Dreadful Dangers". Vote Now! 23
featuring Dr. Egg, Toc, Vicky.
The Amazing Adventurers There have not yet been any votes for "The Amazing Adventurers". Vote Now! 23