Teletune Episode Guide -Pied Piper Films
"Teletune" was a limited-animation segment of the half-hour children's show "Mr. Piper," hosted by opera singer Alan Crofoot in live action. Crofoot introduced each cartoon, which generally was a fantasy stor
Pied Piper Films
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Teletune TV Episode Guide :
featuring Molly, Two Sisters, Giant, Queen, Mr. Piper
Vote Now! 21 There have not yet been any votes for "Brave Molly". |
featuring Mr. Piper (Live Action).
Hansel And Gretel There have not yet been any votes for "Hansel And Gretel". Vote Now! 23
featuring Mr. Piper (Live Action).
Hassan The Simple There have not yet been any votes for "Hassan The Simple". Vote Now! 23
featuring Mr. Piper (Live Action).
Ahmed The Merchant There have not yet been any votes for "Ahmed The Merchant". Vote Now! 23
featuring Hasty, Princess, Mr. Piper
Vote Now! 21 There have not yet been any votes for "Hasty And The Princess". |
featuring Girl, Father, Stepmother, Witch, Mr. Piper
Vote Now! 21 There have not yet been any votes for "The Kindhearted Girl". |
featuring Peter, Princess, Mr. Piper
Vote Now! 21 There have not yet been any votes for "The Magic Horn". |
featuring Princess, Prince, Mr. Piper
Vote Now! 21 There have not yet been any votes for "The Proud Princess". |
featuring Mr. Piper (Live Action).
Story Of The Three Soldiers There have not yet been any votes for "Story Of The Three Soldiers". Vote Now! 23
featuring Three Brothers, Father, Carpenter, Miller, Farmer, Innkeeper, Mr. Piper
Vote Now! 21 There have not yet been any votes for "The Three Brothers". |
featuring Three Sisters, Father, Mr. Piper
Vote Now! 21 There have not yet been any votes for "The Three Sisters". |
featuring Mr. Piper (Live Action)
Vote Now! 21 There have not yet been any votes for "The Tin Soldier". |
featuring Mr. Piper (Live Action)
Vote Now! 21 There have not yet been any votes for "The Wild Swans". |