Milton The Monster Episode Guide -Hal Seeger
Animation's answer to prime-time shows like "The Munsters" and "The Addams Family", Milton was a kind, misunderstood monster. His creators- Professor Weirdo and Count Kook- are not too happy about the extra dash of tenderness that went into Milton...
Hal Seeger
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Milton The Monster Episode Guide Cartoon Series:
Fearless Fly
(1965, 27 Episodes.) -
Flukey Luke
(1965, 5 Episodes.) -
Milton The Monster
(1965, 34 Episodes.)
Muggy-Doo Boy Fox
(1965, 6 Episodes.)
Alternate Series Title: Muggy Doo -
Penny Penguin
(1965, 3 Episodes.) -
Stuffy Durma
(1965, 4 Episodes.)