Fiddley Foodle Bird Episode Guide -Whizzline Prods

Fiddley Foodle Bird Episode Guide Logo
Long, long ago, there was a magical time when all the creatures from legends, myths and fairy tales roamed the earth. One, however, was much too silly to be believed in. It was the Fiddley Foodle Bim Bam Boodle Oo-diddly Doodle Oodle Bird. One picture of him existed in an ancient magic book discovered by a couple of potty explorers who were lost, exploring in a sieve (serves them right!). The book was found one Christmas night by their lonely young son Algernon. He saw something really special in the friendly face of the creature, made a wish upon his Lucky Star, and, to his amazement, the Fiddley Foodle Bird came to life. And this, of course, is where our story really begins...

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