Peterkin Theatrical Series -Walter Lantz Peterkin is a Walter Lantz character, who made his first and only appearance in the cartoon "Scrambled Eggs", in 1939. Walter Lantz Rate This Theatrical Series: BCDB Rating: 5/5 Stars from 2 users. Add Your Vote Now! Please give the Theatrical Series Peterkin a vote between 1 and five stars, with five stars being the best, 1 being a show you absolutely hate, and a three for an average show. --- 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 This Series has been viewed 3 times this month, and 4,897 times total. Peterkin Theatrical Cartoon List : Scrambled Eggs Scrambled Eggs - 1939 Walter Lantz Productions featuring Peterkin, Dr. Stork, Owl, Sparrows, Blackbirds, Canaries, Parrots, Swans Scrambled Eggs BCDB Rating: (4.5/5 stars from 7 users.)